Rand Health Study: Investment in New Healthcare Quality Measures Needed as Cost-Cutting Strategies Grow

March 7, 2011 by matray

side note: With all the cost-cutting that is proposed at both federal and state levels, this is an especially prescient report. As the healthcare industry, employers and government officials seek to control the growth of health spending, new efforts are needed to develop and refine quality-of-care and other performance measures… Continue reading...

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Congressional Civil Justice Caucus Formed in House of Representatives

March 3, 2011 by matray

On Feb. 10, Representatives Bob Good-latte and Dan Boren announced the creation of a bipartisan legal reform caucus, the Congressional Civil Justice Caucus. Goodlatte and Boren will serve as co-chairs of the newly formed caucus. According to the congressmen, the Congressional Civil Justice Caucus will serve as a forum for… Continue reading...

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Tea Party Member Says Malpractice Damage Caps Violate Constitution

February 10, 2011 by matray

side note: Wow! Here is an interesting case where the Tea Party philosophy clashes with the Republican agenda. The HEALTH Act (proposed federal tort reform) was set to be "marked up" yesterday by the House Judicial Committee, but had to be postponed because Rep. Ted Poe (R-Texas), a member of… Continue reading...

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ATRA releases online version of its annual ‘Judicial Hellholes’ Report, Plaintiff Lawyers cry intimidation

January 13, 2011 by matray

The American Tort Reform Foundation (ATRF) recently released its 2010/2011 Judicial Hellholes report, which annually names what it considers some of the nation’s “most unfair civil court jurisdictions.” The ATRF is a branch of the American Tort Reform Association (ATRA), an umbrella organization exclusively dedicated to reforming the civil justice… Continue reading...

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