2014 PLUS Medical PL Symposium Focuses on Emerging Risks Associated with Affordable Care Act, Clinical Integration, New Technology

May 5, 2014 by matray

With the Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act headlong into its implementation, the Professional Liability Underwriting Society (PLUS) focused its 2014 Medical PL Symposium on addressing the new and emerging risks resulting from the healthcare delivery system’s move toward a clinically integrated and accountable care approach. This year’s symposium took place… Continue reading...

Posted in MPL company news, Risk management issues, Tort reform | 1 Comment
ACI: Obstetric Malpractice Claims – Agenda Highlights Announced

May 5, 2014 by matray

American Conference Institute, organizers of the 13th Annual Obstetric Malpractice Claims Conference taking place June 25-26, 2014, at the Union League in Philadelphia, today announced key highlights from this year’s program agenda: NEW THIS YEAR! Obtain insight as to the perspectives from the Bench - Learn from EIGHT JUDGES. They… Continue reading...

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Laser Spine Surgery Marketing through Google Sees Malpractice Complaints

May 5, 2011 by matray

side note: This is an interesting article on a new phenomena -- physicians and surgeons marketing their services online. How hard -- and in what manner -- should physicians market their services? Why are we moving away from the traditional model of medicine where physicians refer their patients to specialists?… Continue reading...

Posted in Risk management issues | 2 Comments
Why Medical Malpractice Reform Will Increase the Deficit, Not Reduce It

May 4, 2011 by matray

side note: Here's an interesting article that I almost missed. It's written by Joanne Doroshow of the Center for Justice & Democracy, and she uses Congressional Budget Office (CBO) numbers to argue that tort reform -- specifically the HEALTH Act being considered in Congress -- would actually increase the deficit… Continue reading...

Posted in MPL company news, Risk management issues, Studies and reports, Tort reform | Leave a comment
Hospital Groups Acquiring Physicians’ Private Practices, How It Affects Liability

April 20, 2011 by matray

side note: Is a hospital-focused healthcare system the future of American Medicine? And if so, what are the liability implications? This is a great look at what looks to be the future of healthcare delivery in the United States. Physician-owned and operated medical practices appear to be going the way… Continue reading...

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Malpractice Immunity & Evidence-Based Medicine

March 29, 2011 by matray

side note: Here is an article that shows the conflict of interest that is inherent in our current system of medical liability, and outlines a reform idea worth closer inspection. While sovereign immunity is doubtful, it is an academic argument worth exploring. It's been a year since health care reform… Continue reading...

Posted in MPL company news, Risk management issues, Studies and reports, Tort reform | Leave a comment
Rand Health Study: Investment in New Healthcare Quality Measures Needed as Cost-Cutting Strategies Grow

March 7, 2011 by matray

side note: With all the cost-cutting that is proposed at both federal and state levels, this is an especially prescient report. As the healthcare industry, employers and government officials seek to control the growth of health spending, new efforts are needed to develop and refine quality-of-care and other performance measures… Continue reading...

Posted in MPL company news, Risk management issues, Studies and reports, Tort reform | Leave a comment